在线学生期望  关闭

Online courses at TSU are offered primarily as asynchronous (any time), Web-based instruction. 在任何时候, 在任何地方学习增加了托国立课程的可及性, students should reflect carefully on whether online courses match their learning style and expectations for study. 特别是, students should self-assess their level of readiness to learn in an online environment. 在线课程是为成熟的、自我激励的学习者设计的. They are not easier or less time-consuming than face-to-face (F2F) courses; many students feel that online courses initially require additional effort to adapt to new modes of course delivery and new ways of interacting with the instructor and fellow students.

Online courses are designed as active and collaborative (including peer-to-peer) learning environments. 讲师将通过讲座提供他或她的专业知识, 阅读, 活动, 和学生讨论, 充当促进者的, and encouraging students to explore and interact with fellow learners to reach new levels of understanding and knowledge. 一些教师甚至可能安排可选的同步(a).k.a.(实时)会议来帮助学生.

Successful peer interactive learning requires regular attendance and participation; students enrolled in online courses are expected to log into the course website frequently (at least four or five times per week). Although asynchronous courses allow for flexibility in how students schedule their class work, 活动 and assignments often follow a rigorous schedule with firm deadlines. 通常, students will log into their course at the beginning of each week to receive instructions about what learning 活动 to complete; these 活动 are often bundled as a “learning module.” Over the course of each week, they will be required to complete various 活动 (e.g., 小测验, 练习, short papers) and participate in online discussions by the dates the instructor has established in the syllabus and weekly learning modules. 学生 may also work on term projects over the course of the term in addition to weekly assignments.

整个学期, 通过讨论板等网络工具进行在线课堂参与, 博客, and wikis is expected on a regular basis and often represents a significant portion of the final grade for the course (30 percent or higher in many cases). 学生 should examine the syllabus closely to determine requirements for the course and weighting of each assignment.


确认技术要求和工作空间: Online classes can benefit students with busy schedules, but only if they can access the materials. Make sure you will have access to a good working computer with appropriate productivity software suites, 可靠的互联网连接, and an ideal location to take tests and participate in online web conferences as needed.

尽早与导师联系: 给你的教练发个便条, 一个电子邮件, 介绍你自己以及你希望从这门课中学到什么. 随着学期的进展,分享你的想法和课程需求. Instructors love to hear from students, however, keep the communication chatter free.

制定一个时间表: Familiarize yourself with the full semester schedule and contact your instructor early to see if accommodations can be made if you sense a conflict might occur during the semester. 否则,要按计划行事.

保持组织: 学生 enrolled in traditional courses usually have a consistent schedule to follow each week, 课堂上的指导之后是课外的作业. Find ways to stay on top of your coursework by utilizing tools such as electronic calendars, 数字提醒, 和其他移动电子资源,可以提醒你即将到来的截止日期.

了解自己的权利: 参加在线课程的学生与在校学生享有非常相似的权利. You may contact the university for all auxillary services from student accounting, 体育运动, 图书馆, 金融援助, 根据需要等. 查阅学生手册了解更多信息.

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